Ringing Course Papers

(Click for more details of the Bradfield Ringing Course & Essex Ringing Course)


Plain Hunting - Handouts

1:  A paper on speed of ringing when Plain Hunting:

2:  A Selection of Plain Hunt training methods:
These methods allow the treble to progressively hunt to 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, 5ths and 6ths,
(some harder than others for both Student and Helpers!)

3:  A Diagram of Treble Bob Hunting - on 6: - and on 8:
The other "core" treble hunting - basis of Surprise and Delight methods

(see also Presentations)

Do browse these files - and let me know if you find any errors.
And do please any improvements...

You are welcome to use any of these materials for your personal use;     © Alistair Donaldson 2008-22
but if you intend to re-distribute them please will you ask me first?      Thank you!